IGU rules school in Hyderabad on Sep. 24th


Individuals interested in becoming Golf Referees are invited to attend the IGU’s Rules School at HGA

In a collaborative effort between the Hyderabad Golf Association and the Indian Golf Union (IGU), golf enthusiasts who want to take their passion to the next level can enroll in the “Rules School Level 1” program, on Sunday, September 24th, promising a day filled with valuable insights into the intricate world of golf rules.

The program, which will be skillfully conducted by IGU Rules Instructors, is designed to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of golf rules. Attendees can expect an engaging learning experience, complete with R&A videos, PowerPoint presentations, and on-course demonstrations.

Those who successfully complete the Level One Exam will be certified as a “Category C Rules Official.” and can pursue Level Two Rules School.

Interested individuals can register by contacting Mr. Prasad on 9160400046.



Photo – Rules

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