India-Japan Friendship Golf in Delhi


Golf has often been used to enhance cultural ties

Golf as a means to bridge international relations should be used more often and to celebrate 70 years of diplomatic relations between India and Japan, Grant Thornton Bharat, in partnership with the Delhi Policy Group and the Ministry of External Affairs, organised an India-Japan Friendship Golf tournament at the Delhi Golf Club. 

The event drew enthusiastic participation from Japanese diplomats and corporate leaders as well as Indian counterparts from the host organisations and the business community. Representatives of several leading Japanese companies and entities were among the participants, including JETRO, JCCII, Maruti Suzuki, Mitsui, Toray, Sojitz, Sumitomo, SMBC, Mizuho and Japan Airlines.

H.E. Mr. Satoshi Suzuki, Ambassador of Japan to India & Vishesh C. Chandiok, CEO, Grant Thornton Bharat

H.E. Mr. Satoshi Suzuki, Ambassador of Japan to India, and Mr. Naveen Srivastava, Additional Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs, joined the participants at the tee off and the post-game festivities along with Ambassador H. K. Singh, Director General, Delhi Policy Group.

Vishesh C. Chandiok, CEO, Grant Thornton Bharat, said, “ As two out of the top three Asian economies, India and Japan are natural partners, complementing each other’s needs and strengths, while sharing essential values such as political liberalism, market driven economies, the rule of law and democracy and the ethos of hard work and family. Initiatives such as the India – Japan Friendship Golf will help further strengthen the socio-economic ties between both countries.”


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