Spurs create golf holes for Gareth Bale


Tottenham winger Gareth Bale is known for being an avid golfer, with an impressive handicap of 3. The Welsh has been often pictured at golf courses and is even affectionately called ‘The Golfer’ by his former Real Madrid teammates.

In a recent interview, Spurs defender Sergio Reguilon revealed the extent Spurs have gone to in order to keep the Welshman’s hobby in play. Reguilon in an interview with El Larguero said, while at Real Madrid Bale was criticised for playing golf too often, Tottenham have gone the opposite way and revealed that he was surprised to see that the club had created short golf holes for Bale at the training centre.

RELATED: Gareth Bale talks golf with Erik Anders Lang


The 23-year-old disclosed that the club told him that the holes were put in place for Gareth Bale. Sergio Reguilon revealed that the golf holes were short and about 30 metres, with the defender concluding that he couldn’t believe it at first. Notably, after the interview went viral, multiple media reports revealed that Tottenham’s training ground has had a mini-golf course for several years now.

The duo moved from Real Madrid to Tottenham Hotspurs in September this year and is now trying to settle into their new team. For Bale, this is his second stint with the Spurs after a seven years gap and this is how he announced his arrival.




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